let’s talk dimensions

Shifting up through dimensions and through levels of consciousness is really done through taking action and creating change within yourself. Many are afraid to change their patterns or thought schemes because well, it's comfortable. In order to rise and to grow we must change our perception.

Most believe if you change your perception it goes against the mental societal traditional values i.e. "if you change your mind all the time you’re whacky”.. No no Susan, you're actually changing your evolution and the collective of human kind. This is what growth looks like. It's incredible how unique the mother earth is and how fascinating we are as humans. We have this ability to grow, shift and change our physical reality, and it not only effects our reality but the reality of those around us. We are all connected, we are all fluid and energy. What you give out, you get back. Soooo this is how you move through levels of consciousness and up dimensions, through change and growth.

Now, this process of moving through dimensions will look entirely different to everyone. A lot of people expect the process to look euphoric and change visually but it really isn’t that. It’s more like this….

The first part the 3D level of consciousness is all about survival. This is where you are glued to the news and social media, in a constant state of distress and worried about everything. You may also be feeling super unproductive, lethargic, scared of the unknown, feeling powerless and sad. This 3D level of consciousness was really like a game, and was created because we all wanted it to. We have an awareness that we can perceive ourselves as an individual conscious and as a collective conscious, but at this 3D stage you don’t know this. This is all about ego. Ego is in control on this level. The ego was set up to create receptive programs of thought - spirals of illusions. The ego that's present in level 3 allows you to have this illusion of a different perspective of a human experience. So the goal is to move up, let go of the EGO..... #BYEBYEEGO

The 4D level of consciousness is all about acceptance. This is where you are savouring the little things, valuing time outdoors, learning to let go of what you can’t control, limiting media usage and news consumption. Feeling less stressed overall and sleeping better! This is when the inner work really starts. And the next stage is when inner growth, and healing is really at play!!!

The 5D level of consciousness is all about growth. This is when you have confidence in reliance and strength, looking ahead to how you want to live after this time, focusing on what’s in your control. Feeling calmer, joyful and hopeful. Much more connected to loved ones. Helping the collective, the universe, the whole where you can.  LIVING IN THE PRESENT MOMENT, appreciating what you’ve gained during this time. In this level you really perceive yourself from a collective level and how everything you do effects everyone and everything in the universe. In this dimension you create your own reality by the frequency you put out to the universe.  

I’ve seen so many of my clients rise and shift from 3 to 5 so quickly with the help of healing. It seriously is incredible. You have to look at this time as something that happened FOR you! You have to take action! You were given this time to rise individually, and as you you raise your energy and frequency on a micro scale, individually, it begins to affect on the macro scale, causing a ripple effect across the universe. And this healing taking place, not only affects your past lives, but all lives across all dimensions - this is why this is such a special time.

So ask yourself, which level do you fall under and what can you change in your life right now to be where you want to be not only for individual reasons but for the planet and mama gaia as a whole. 

Want to rise with the collective? Raise your frequency? Get in touch with your soul? Want to discover your unique purpose on this planet? Book in a reiki session or an oracle reading with me today and I will help you realize your souls purpose. All you need to do is take action, here and now and I will be there every step of the way….  

Love and light my earthlings

A xx


normal wasn’t working


chakras and energy therapy..