
I approached Alyssa to give me distant Reiki in 2020. I have several long-standing health conditions, the most debilitating being Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis which affects my spine and knees and other joints. I am constantly exhausted and in pain, being bed bound for a great deal of the day.
I am a huge advocate of Reiki, having experienced it on and off for years. I was impressed by Alyssa’s kind caring and gentle manner and her complete honesty.

I’m on my 5th block of 2 weekly sessions at the moment and I really enjoy them. It’s a good feeling to shut yourself off from everything and everyone for a hour and allow the Reiki to just “do”.
After a session I always go downstairs and start chatting to my husband and being far more energised and animated than normal. He always refers to this uncharacteristic energy burst as “the Alyssa effect”. All I can say is, thank you Alyssa, and thank you Reiki. And to you, the reader, I say try it, the results may surprise you.
— Kendall, Montreal CA
A few months ago I had a very serious back problem, causing many issues. Having experienced past problems with anti inflammatories and other medications in recent years, I have turned more to the holistic approach. After doing some research into healing energy, I decided to try Reiki. I found Alyssa, a local Reiki Master on the internet, and contacted her. She was very kind and understanding as she listened to my problems. As she was only giving distance Reiki, due to COVID-19, I decided to give it a go.
After the first session (which was free), I felt different. I went for a walk and noticed less pain, with a strange feeling of love and peace.
I researched distant Reiki more, and found even science backs it. I decided to give it a go and continued with a block of two weekly sessions. My whole family thought I was crazy and tried talking me out of it, but I believed it could help.
With good communication from Alyssa after each session, even though my health had its ups and downs during this time, Alyssa’s belief in the power of Reiki kept my spirits up.
I am now in a much better place than I was. To now be able to walk through the park again with my wife and kids is an amazing wonderful thing.
I can’t thank Alyssa enough and would recommend her and Reiki to anyone who needs help, emotionally or physically.
I still have a long way to go. But for me this is just the start of a new journey. I hope to learn Reiki from Alyssa the Master, herself.
— Brett, New Zealand
Alyssa has done several ‘distance’ Reiki treatments on me for different injuries. She does a 1 hour session 2 days in a row every other week for me. In each treatment I feel changes in the energy within my body and I feel a movement towards healing. By the last treatment my pain is so much improved that I am able to move freely.

One injury was from a fall I sustained while hiking. I was pulled over a rock ledge by my dog and hurt my tailbone, my thigh and seriously injured my rib. From the first session to the last the changes in my body were amazing. I went from hoping I was getting better to knowing my own healing energy had been released to finish the work Alyssa had started. I highly recommend Reiki as a healing and I love that it can be done from a distance. I highly recommend Alyssa. Her concern for your wellness coupled with her enthusiasm her work make the sessions a wonderful resource.
— Dana, New York USA
I have been having regular distant Reiki treatments with Alyssa for a few months now and always find them really helpful. Sleep is much improved, as are stress levels.
— Brittany, Sydney Australia
Thank you, Alyssa, for teaching me level One Reiki. I found the setting and teaching style optimal for integrating the steps of Reiki. I learned so much! I had many wonderful experiences of feeling the Reiki energy become stronger. During the final empowerment I sensed a huge tree which then became a large and strong trunk. As I savored the power of that trunk it became a globe of light that pulsed from large to small in a beautiful green-yellow glow. This signified to me that I was well grounded through that trunk and that the light within me was expanding and growing stronger. I can’t wait to continue my reiki journey and learning Reiki level 2 next!! Thank you
— Sarah, Kelowna B.C.
Alyssa, or Wanderlyss, well she is a gifted Reiki practitioner. I have benefited from Reiki sessions with Alyssa both in person and remotely. The Reiki helped me manage anxiety, stress and insomnia when preparing for the bar exam. Each session built on the other enabling me to establish a sense of calm, peace and harmony. Reiki sessions with Alyssa are a valuable resource I will continue to use.
— Kelsey, Calgary Alberta