chakras and energy therapy..

I wanted to talk about Chakras because well..... it’s what I work with every single day in my Reiki sessions! Chakras are the energy centres in which I balance and harmonize with Reiki so that one can become in harmony with their mind, body and soul and free of dis-ease. When that happens, it feels like pure bliss! Reiki is serious magic!! It’s one of the most powerful practices to remove these energy blocks and to relieve a persons chakra system. 

How it works is during a Reiki attunement as a practitioner my crown and heart chakras are opened to be able to channel energy through my palms. When I channel this energy into a person during a session, the reiki is targeted to each chakra, and as I scan the body I can intuitively identify where blockages live, where dis-ease starts from, and which chakras I need to unblock and open so that life force energy can flow through the recipient's body freely - that is the goal! To have energy flowing smoothly through all chakras and thats what I do!

Now, we have seven main chakras and each are individual energy centres that correspond to specific individual organs, as well as physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual states of being. They are like massive nerve centres where the physical and consciousness meet. Now the amount of balance and harmony within these centres influences each and every area of your LIFE!!!! So, with Reiki I can see where the imbalance of energy lies, or where its blocked. When there is an imbalance or block it means different things for each chakra. For example, the root chakra (which I’m finding most people in this pandemic have blocks here) this chakra is all about survival and feeling safe, and right now they are highly imbalanced because we don’t feel safe. When this chakra is blocked for example it can cause major fear and anxiety disorders. It also can lead to physical problems in the colon, with the bladder,with you lower back, legs , or feet and many other things. My job is to identify the blocked chakra with my palms and identify what dis-ease its causing and completely heal/ remove the block/ balance the area mentally, physically and emotionally for better overall health. We want all seven of our chakras stay opened, balance, and with energy moving fluidly between each chakra. If there is a blockage in one (or many), then the energy can’t flow throughout our body and creates stagnant energy which over time will manifest in various imbalances (emotional, physical, etc).

This is why keeping the energy flowing freely within our body and our chakras open is so so important and to have an awareness of them and what an imbalance might feel like. Helping to balance one also helps to bring and keep the others in balance as well. I will be sharing soon more about chakras in depth, and how to balance them individually in your own ways. Stay tuned :) 

Love and light,

Wanderlyss xx


let’s talk dimensions


getting back into a reiki routine