getting back into a reiki routine

You've gotten caught up in the 9-5 work routine, you're coming home every day exhausted, forgetting all the things you've set out to do. Including your daily self Reiki practice! Maybe it's been weeks, months or even years since you've used Reiki on yourself or others. Don't worry!

Remember, for those attuned to level one reiki or further, once attuned the healer remains open and attuned for the rest of their life. This means no matter what, you'll never lose your Reiki spark!

Below are a few of some of my favourite tips and tricks to get back into doing Self Reiki even for the busiest person.

  1. As soon as you've realized you forgot to do Reiki - DO IT! You don't have to have amplitudes of hours or minutes, no need to set out much time. You don't have to be in a deep relaxed state, or in deep meditation. You don't need to be re-attuned... Take a few deep breaths and intend that Reiki will flow exactly as needed, as it always has. If you do have time to do a full Reiki self treatment awesome, do it. If you don't, don't beat yourself up. Reiki works, no matter how long you use it for. Even if its right before bed for a few seconds or minutes, place your hands where you intuitively need it most.

  2. Next I would suggest go over your Reiki Precepts as taught to all Reiki Practitioners of all levels in their Level One Reiki Class. This takes a few minutes, and is easy to carve into busy routine or even right before falling asleep. Place hands in prayer position in front of your heart chakra. Then simply start with precept one, Just for Today, just for this minute, these few seconds. Don't beat yourself up because maybe you've "forgot Reiki" or haven't practiced in ages. Give thanks that you're remembering now, give thanks that you have this gift. Give thanks for the principles of Reiki. Just for today.

  3. Maybe you completely all around are having problems to remember to do Self Reiki. I suggest setting up a time to do it, even if its 5 mins a day. Make a actual schedule and take the time out and do it.

Once you get back into your routine you'll forget why you ever stopped doing it in the first place!

So remember no matter how long it's been, no matter how much time has passed, don't beat yourself up about it Just Reiki and move on!

A xx


chakras and energy therapy..


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