ways to celebrate beltane this halloween

Don't Worry! It's not too late!! Wherever you are in the world this Halloween, on October 31st, lockdown or not, you can celebrate!!

Now keep in mind depending on where you are, if that's in the Northern Hemisphere you may be in the autumn season heading into winter (we call this Samhain), or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere and you are heading into Summer (we call this Beltane) seasons are different, the tools you may use below may be different but the rituals are all the same!

I am based in New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere, so i'll be using a Beltane twist!!

Wait.. So what exactly is Beltane season? This is all about celebrating the return of light source energy and birthing and growth. We see it in the earth all around us at this time. Plants and flowers are flourishing and blooming one by one, day by day.

It is also one of the only times of the year where the veil between the spirit world and physical world is at it's thinnest. I like to think of this as a door being wide opened, for endless possibilities, reunions, communication and love.

Three good ways to utilize this time and and celebrate Beltane are listed below:

  1. Flower, LOTS of FLOWERS - as I mentioned this season is all about birthing and blossoming, go and grab some fresh flowers from mother nature and create a floral display. This can be done by simply and intuitively placing flowers of choice in vases around your house, or placing flowers on your mantle or altar space. If you're feeling super creative you can take flower petals and create a mandala, or grid. You can even take the flowers and create a crown for those feeling extra!

  2. Have a picnic - Get outdoors with your friends or family or loved ones and have a afternoon picnic barefoot with mother earth. Try and use some fresh seasonal ingredients with all dishes served! You could even have a bonfire! Beltane is known for its fiery spirit, so grab your family and sit around the fire and share the love. Speak out to your ancestors in union together. See what comes through.

  3. Move Your Body - Dance it out. Connect with spirit and all its forces, let it propel you, let it flow through you. Feel it, dance it out. Grab your friends, family and loved ones and dance your heart out! Run wild!

Lastly, for your own inner reflection, Beltane is the perfect time of year to really consider what lights you up? What actually energizes you? What fills you with passion and inspires you?

Tap into that.

Love your reiki master



getting back into a reiki routine


taking care of yourself is productive