taking care of yourself is productive

When it comes to working with energy as a Reiki Practitioner, it's important you take care of yourself and have a good self care routine in place. Self Care first of all is healing in itself, and a preventative healing method first and foremost. So please, if you aren't already, it's time to make self care a number one priority. You cannot heal from a heart half loved as I like to say, and therefore most certainly cannot hold space and to heal and love others if you aren't doing it yourself.

Below is a little list of simple ways to practice taking care of yourself throughout the week!

  1. Reiki Yourself Daily (Ideally 10-20 minutes each day)

  2. Cut Cords After All Treatments - Cutting cords can be as simple as pretending one arm is a sword - moving and cutting cords from top to bottom

  3. Put All Your Worries Into a Box - This can be done by creating or even envisioning a box and putting all your worries to rest by putting them into this box. I also send reiki to whatever I place into this box! This is especially important before giving a treatment to a client to set all worries and fears aside and surrender to reiki.

  4. Laugh a Little

  5. Play a little

  6. Forgive Yourself

  7. Pamper Yourself Throughout The Week.. However that looks! :)

  8. Say NO to anything that Doesn't Nourish Your Soul!!

  9. Surround Yourself With Kind People

  10. Keep Your Space Clean and Clear - This can be done by drawing reiki symbols in corners of each room of your house or work space. You can also cleanse these spaces with palo santo or sage to lighten the energy and eliminate any unwanted or negative energies.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Love A


ways to celebrate beltane this halloween


the choice is yours