the choice is yours

One of my all time favourite quotes by Hippocrates, and one of the most important principles in my healing practice: "Before you heal someone, ask him if he is willing to give up the things that made him sick.”

This really has to be one of the most difficult discussions to have with a client who's looking for healing. You will find when you have a healing business people of all backgrounds, lifestyles, beliefs, values will come to you for healing. Although very different, most people similarly come and ask for the same thing. People want to be healed. They want a quick fix to all their problems, their pain, their suffering, even their illnesses. And sometimes, this whole expectation can really ruin the healing process on it's own. And as long as there is some level of “benefit” and comfort in illness and dis-ease, it is unlikely that a person will heal or make any efforts towards their own healing process.. Although #Reiki works tremendously in all ways #physically, #mentally, #emotionally, and is up to the person to really follow through with committing to the healing path in order to heal.

Our job, as #healers is to hold space to show people where their pain lies in their energetic field, to show them where the dis-ease began, where their journey has taken them and lead them where they are now. To remember their past life times, their lessons left to be learned. To show them the way back to balance, to harmony, to peace. To help them understand that in some way or another they're at least in part responsible for what brought them to this point of dis-ease, discomfort or lack of wellbeing. Now this isn't to say we don't heal them, oh we sure can, but we more or less are here to assist, to boost the healing cycle, to help them to heal themselves. To teach people to take their #power back. That is what we do, we awaken, unlock and help you remember the healer within. This is a choice, this is up to you to recognize where the imbalance lies, and to make changes in your energetic body. I show you where these areas are, and I show you the way back to healing. But. The choice is all yours.

Now, the way I run my sessions is I begin with a consultation, getting to know you on all levels. We talk big things like what are your values, your beliefs, what was your childhood like, all these things. We build a foundation together, and then we do the work. I go through your entire bio energetic field, and I find where the pain lies, on different levels, like layers. We find where these energies were created in the first place. We figure out what experiences were had to form these e-motions (energy in motion). Then we do the healing. Depending we may need to set up multiple sessions it all depends on the person, and any one who works with energy knows every client that walks through the door is completely different to the next. No one is the same.. So it really, really depends. The healers make that call. Now, post energy work we then make a plan and create a canvas together. From your stories, your energetic field, we bring you back to peace. To balance. You leave the healing room with understanding, remembering who you are, in harmony. But also, with the knowing, tools and the choice to do the inner work, to rewrite your story. With this #choice then comes #commitment.

When we commit to the healing process, this is where the long lasting change can take place.

So remember, when you're looking for a healer to heal you, ultimately the choice is yours to give up whatever made you sick in the first place, the choice is yours to commit to the process.

Love your Reiki Master Teacher,

A xx


taking care of yourself is productive

