
Have you ever really wondered why we get triggered? Why the actions or words or experiences cause us to feel emotions? It's because our body is energy, it is energetic and in that sense it behaves almost like a tuning fork - changing depending on what's happening around our energetic field. Now having a trapped emotion is like having a tuning fork that resonates with the frequency of a low-vibrating (negative) emotion.

The problem is, it will continue to vibrate to the point of creating imbalances in the body, leading to disease. It stays lodged in the body until it is completely released.

And so to take a step back with you, I will say, emotions are really just energy in motion.

In my private sessions with clients this has been a big topic of discussion. I've started my sessions with new clients lately with really getting to know their values, their beliefs, their first thoughts in the morning, is it their mind or their body that moves, feels, or acts first. I try to understand but also highlight how experiences over time, and memories have their own emotions that come with them. Therefore when we get into routines, we have associated feelings. For example, you wake up to go to your job - you may enjoy your job, so you wake up and happy and your body is ready to jump out of bed and you're happy. However, maybe you dislike your job, you wake up in the morning, your body may need to physically pee and want to jump forward but your mind is unhappy its emotion is making you sit still. This is really simple and for beginners, but as we move forward what you can understand is over time, with everything in our life we associate an emotion. If we do not enjoy things, we hold onto that in our auric field. When we do this this can cause tears in our auric field, in our energetic field. This in turns reflects into the physical body and our overall experience with life. The outside world can become one massive trigger of events day in and day out. This is why basics understand of how to observe your energetic self, is it your body or your mind reacting first one before the other. Start here. Understanding your emotions is first step to understanding where these triggers come from.



the choice is yours


seven reasons why i self reiki every day