normal wasn’t working

I like to think of the present as the Great Transformation of 2020. We're in the year of Aquarius, the humanitarian year, the golden age!!! Things are coming to light and how that is happening is our foundations are being shaken up. This time has shown us the cracks in our foundation, in our day to day lives, i.e. government systems, financial support, healthcare, etc. They cannot keep up with the world when times like this arise. We need to fix these foundations. What's worked in the past is not working now. We have one chance to truly make beneficial changes to help our planet and all of humanity. And that chance is NOW. This event has made so many flaws in our old ways and systems visible. It's showing us what we need to change in our day to day lives. We are all one. One planet. One Earth. It is time to go within, here and now.

We are more in our bodies now more than ever, we're being asked to go within. Our survival modes are being triggered right now. Some may not like this but it is until you're being still and grounded, that is when you can do the work. When you're still you can identify what needs work. You can't run from your shadow self anymore. All you really have time for right now is just that. Time to go within and face your shadows, see what isn't working anymore for you, and for the globe as a whole. Acknowledge how you're feeling right now. Where is it coming from? Acknowledge how and what needs to be healed. I know many people as a collective are suffering with anxiety because of unknown factors. Well maybe it's time as a collective to heal that. Look at this unknown time in a different way, look at death in a different light. It takes something so traumatic for people to see life differently and to make healthier choices. What if we took our health seriously all the time not just during times of crisis. Maybe this means changing your lifestyle.

So what if we lived in a way where we are always trying to bump up our immune systems? This virus has definitely proven to us how fast we can change our lifestyle - so the choice is yours. What're you doing every day to live a healthy life? What are you consuming emotionally and physically? What foundational systems are you relying on? The more we can heal ourselves individually, the more we will see the planet heal..

The way we live now and the amount of people we have on this earth, when something happens so massive we cannot support people with westernized medicine. we just cannot. There is a shortage. We need to start thinking, go back down to our roots, stop relying on westernized medicine, think natural, sustainable. This is called sustainability and being self sufficient. This is where we are headed. The future is here. Where you have faith in the unknowns, that everything happens for a bigger reason, and where you learn to live and work with our earth. This is why I find this time so easy for me. It's because I know this pandemic is happening FOR US not TO US. It's time to see the light, recognize this massive wake up call for humanity. Take this time to go within, and make the changes you need to live a better life inside and out. If you need guidance to get in the right direction, please reach out. Sign up for one of my services. I know you will reap the benefits by doing so! 

Love and Light

Wanderlyss x


what is energy therapy?


let’s talk dimensions