what is energy therapy?

So what the heck does the medicine of frequencies mean? What is this Reiki Healing Modality I keep talk about?

Using vibration as a healing practice has existed for CENTURIES! Techniques include sound and color therapy, REIKI healing, homeopathy, acupuncture and many more! All are based on the belief in an underlying life force and they are grouped together into a category called energy medicine. Reiki is simply the life force that flows through all living things.

The way Reiki works is after you are attuned by a "reiki master" you are able to call on energy from the universe and you work as a portal for that energy to transfer through you into your client. The Reiki naturally flows to the areas of the body that need it most and brings healing and balance and harmony to the entire body... NATURALLY! So I the Reiki Healer do not force energy into areas, the Reiki naturally goes into the bodies specific areas that need healing, no interruption from the egoless self.

I as a Reiki practitioner, believe that everyone has the power to heal themselves. Here’s a really basic example my master told me... “when you cut your finger, you put a bandaid on it. What happens over a few days? the wound heals itself"…. Our bodies are capable of of reaching homeostasis, if our bodies energy is strong and free flowing. If our bodies are not, our life force energy becomes weak, blocked, and then it leads to physical, emotional and mental imbalance.

Just one simple reiki session can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels physical, mental and emotional. Sounds wild right? But how? Well you must experience Reiki for yourself and only then can you be the one to judge....

So, although Reiki Healing = Frequency Healing, has been an underground treatment for over 100 years, it is finally coming back and gaining acceptance today!!! This is the FUTURE OF MEDICINE my friends. You will start to see Reiki being used in clinics and hospitals worldwide over the next few weeks and years to come!

Love and light,

Wanderlyss xx


You have the answers inside of you


normal wasn’t working