You have the answers inside of you

I spent twenty three years of my life searching for answers for:

Who Am I?

Why Am I Different?

Why Am I Here?

What Is My Purpose?

What's Wrong With Me?

I put myself into everything, and tried everything to find that "thing" that part of me I was looking for. That part of me to feel "whole". I turned to strangers, friends, relationships, careers, food, alcohol and even drugs looking for answers. I even tried travelling and partying but nothing seemed to fit or feel like my cup of tea.

Then I began pushing away and distancing myself from people, letting this longing and these questions spin so far out of control. I started feeling anxious and spent a lot of time depressed and alone. I began trying to control every single day of my life and everyone around me.

It wasn't until two years ago when I realized I had the answers inside of me all along. When I really started to slow down, and let go of things that were out of my reach. The bigger picture, my souls path, my destiny, whatever you want to call it, it wasn't until then did it all become clear.

All those years of running, wanting, praying, depression, anxiety, loss, heartbreak, and hitting rock bottom.. They were just my human test.

I actually had all the answers I was looking for, right inside of myself.

Me. Yeah you heard me right. Inside of me!

I had all the answers I'd been looking for, I just wasn't really listening.

Wanderlyss xx

March 27th, Wellington, New Zealand.


Going within


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