Going within

As most of you know by now, from my website I read oracle and tarot cards, and I get asked all the time: How do you know that? How did you know this? Where are you getting these messages from? How do you hold the answers?

We all individually have the answers to everything, we just need to learn how to listen. The biggest part of listening actually comes from your heart. Really truly listening to your heart. Working with compassion and working from you heart. Not only for your individual self, or from the belief that you'll receive "good karma", but for the collective as a whole (by collective I mean the universe). When you do this you begin to vibrate higher. When you begin to vibrate higher you actually change your vibrational experience. You put out to the universe what you want and you receive an experience on that vibrational frequency that you're transmitting.

Next thing, your probably wondering is, but how does one vibrate higher or learn how to vibrate higher?

I learned all of this through experience. I've had my fair share of grief, addiction, trauma, depression, and many things that happened in my own reality. All of these things were my "tests". The key here is I was able to work through them by healing myself from the inside out and moving forward, I raised my frequency! Yes...It took a lot of self work, self care but mostly a lot of time spent going inside myself for answers and for healing. Until I started really listening to my mind, body, spirit and to all the things around me taking place, and my feelings in my surroundings, the more I listened the more that showed up to support me back. The more I put out to the universe the more I got back.

I started journalling years ago. I would write down things I didn't like and things that didn't serve me anymore and I would wish them to be gone. And they would slowly start to disappear. I also started this exercise of writing down things i'm grateful for, and things I wished to manifest into my own reality. Suddenly those thing starting appearing, my smallest and biggest hopes starting taking place in my very own reality!....Doing this daily was when EVERYTHING CHANGED. I was putting in the inner work.

The more I started to raise my frequency by going within and putting things out to the universe, the more I started to become aware of my conscious self and the collective as a whole.

I started to realize we are basically in this gigantic game if you'd like to call it. We have deja vu, dreams, aha moments. Maybe even moments of "I've seen this person before" or " I knew this was gonna happen" because we have lived in many different dimensions, in many different life times. Past and present (let's not even get into past and present lives because honestly, they aren't important) What is important is here and now! You decided in other life times your life on this planet, and the series of events you'd have to go through in order to develop yourself. So for example you decided, hey i'm gonna go to earth, put myself through suffering, trauma, addiction, whatever to teach yourself to grow consciously and move upwards in frequency, to your highest self. Kind of like putting yourself through your own chosen human test. So past and present don't matter, time is irrelevant. What matters is raising your frequency here and now. Raising your frequency today.

Start by going inside yourself. Going within! With this entire pandemic happening right now, see it as another "test" if you'd like to call it that, but a test not only for the individual but as a collective. A massive collective test. We are being asked to stay inside "go within" almost like a break in the game, you know?

Your getting the chance to go inwards and discover how to vibrate higher and grow into higher dimensional beings. We've lived in 7 dimensions higher than the one we are operating at right now. Imagine if you could vibrate higher? How much more pleasant and beautiful your reality would seem? Now imagine if the entire collective as a whole (everyone in the universe) raised their frequency and their consciousness!!!

If you want to start doing the inner work, healing yourself in the here and now..well I offer this thing called REIKI HEALING! It's where the practitioner aka me, can actually help you raise your own inner frequency!

Kind of like a jumpstart to your individual healing process during this life time.

Book in with me today my earthlings.


April 2nd, NZ


the ultimate spiritual must haves


You have the answers inside of you