the ultimate spiritual must haves

Honestly there is nothing better than growing your spiritual toolbox than this Christmas 2022! Everyone's doing it!!!
Below you will find 5 of my favourite must have tools this season xx

1. The five minute journal by Intelligent Change along with their Mindful Affirmation deck! These two together create the ultimate tool for cultivating a grateful mind.

"Boost your happiness and unlock the fullness of life!"
Use the code ALYSSAH10 online today!

2. Clarity capsules from a Canadian brand Microgenix. These capsules are a carefully curated blend of 5 organic nootropics designed to enhance focus, creativity, productivity, or simply fuel the positive vibes throughout the day. A subtle, yet noticeable experience makes Clarity perfect for those who are new to micro-dosing and looking for an all natural mental health remedy.

I’ve been using them every other day for awhile now and I can say it’s been life changing. This one is specifically my fave because it’s light, expansive and joyful.

Order Clarity today and begin to notice the beauty within and around you.

Use the code LYSS15 on your first order!

3. Speaking of mushrooms…. you‘ll need and most definitely want this mini mushroom lamp from ikea! It really sets the tone, and has a calming light effect to the room, creating a calm ambience and gentle healing space. And it's only $12.00!

4. Now, number four on the list, probably not what you were thinking, but definitely something you need if you don't have one already is a selenite wand. I use my wand almost every day throughout the day, in between sessions and even during Reiki sessions on my clients. I also like to keep one in my purse while I’m on the go. It’s soooo easy to use! Just simply wave the wand up and down your body about 2-3 inches away from the body - gently cleansing the aura. You can also wave it around your space like a magic wand to clean and cleanse the energy in the space.

Also.. you can pretty much find them in any crystal shop around the world!

5. Another favourite must have gift on the list this Xmas season is the Mindful Moment Intention Candles. When life gets busy, finding a few moments of calm feels almost impossible. All the more reason, then, to create a mindfulness ritual—like with Arielle Moore’s candle kit.

Inside, you’ll find 10 beeswax candles in six different colors, each corresponding to a different intention (see below for what each one means); five incense cones; and a vessel filled with sea salt, Himalayan salt, small gemstones, black sand, and bay leaves. Just nestle a candle or incense cone (or both) into the salt vessel before lighting. The candle will burn for about 20 minutes, naturally creating a set time for you to journal, meditate, or just relax. Meanwhile, the incense will release a scent to help you feel calm and centered.

6. One of the last gifts to get yourself, a friend or someone you love is the gift of a full body healing experience - in other words.. Give the Gift of Reiki today! I have gift certificates available here on my website. These gift certificates can be used at anytime and day - there is no expiry date! Also can be used towards every and any session or offering from yours truly!

That wraps up my mini must haves of the season!

Hope you enjoyed this and even maybe got some inspiration for last minute gift ideas xx

You're welcome :)




Going within